its funny
that my heart strings pull tight
when you pop up on my screen
each and every one of you
now only memories
past moments blink and disappear in
before my eyes
all i know of you now is
a name
a photo
perhaps a heart that lasts a minute
you are nothing to me anymore
truthfully, you live each day in my mind
frozen in the moment of the last time you smiled
the last laugh i heard
the last tear you cried
the last time we spoke was
a year, a month, 4 weeks, 17 days
a lifetime ago
i wonder how you've changed in the moments that have passed between us.
i wonder if you think about me too
perhaps i appear in your daydreams
or you find me in the perfume i wore everyday for a year 4 years ago
maybe you see me in a new friend's smile
or a tight hug or warm cup of tea
perhaps i pop up in little moments
as you do for me