when i hurt, i need the earth to shudder
at the sight of me
the words out my mouth crashing
thunderstorms after a scorchingly uncomfortable day
hot tears as heavy rain
bucketing down on everyone
i need everyone to see
The lightining flash anger in my eyes
and be afraid.
The hail hurled words off my sharp tongue
and feel pain
The snow blanket silence.
To he happy
To be a sun-filled, cool-breeze
lemonade, ice-cream and takeout day
To have a grin spilling golden, glowing
from my eyes on everyone
warmth eminating from the inside
hugging as soft as your pillow
after a long day, feeling like a
cup of tea, the Notebook and a teddy bear
wrapped up in my arms
i am a safety net
when you need me
I'll be there
Cold, numbing
Falling from my eyes the warmth is gone
Freezing wind from feeling too much too fast,
In place of warmth
Stone cold, ice hard emptiness
Lightning and glow replaced with
an empty stare
" i dont really know why"
tumbled off a placid tongue
(please im not sure why its happening so fast i -)
concrete lungs, invisible vines around my neck
yes im sorry, where was i ?