The lady on my podcast is teaching me how to Live Correctly
Honestly, it is exhausting
and sometimes (like this time)
it doesn't feel worth it
because the heavy dread in my stomach still stands
heavy, present existing
and I can't help but wonder why
and I tried
not focusing on it
but it persists and its
hard to ignore a part of yourself isn' it?
so I attempted acceptance and somehow it remained
just as rejected as when i first started
i know how to open a world of pain
and shame
and everything i tried to forget.
its simply really, all I need to do is open my journal
or any of my poetry
and suddenly I'm pulled into a whirlwind
of experience marked not by
inconsequential memory - for memory can be temporary -
but rather the feelings frozen
that my heart pulled from deep within
and scribbled onto a page
I'm not phased, maybe its because its July
what with the, seasons passing by
and my lifepassingby
time passes by and I don't even realise
that I can summon sadness like
an unwanted trick
teetering on the edge of Is this a lie,
validate yourself
feel your feelings
and its feels like a dream and
just breathe